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Rob Obvious

February 2015

Come into the gallery and see our new scuptures by Rob Obvious. Thay are wonderful!

Terry Zigmund Stained Glass

December 2014

Terry Zigmund is one of our newer stained glass artists. Her combination of twisted wire trees within the glass panels is wonderful. We have many sizes and color conbinations.

Vegan Leather Bags

November 8, 2014

Looks just like leather, but completely cruelty free. Beautiful bags at a wonderful price!

Downtown Trick or Treat

October 30, 2014

"Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble."

Always on the Thursday before Halloween, the town becomes a haven for candy and thrill seekers. This year three witches (wise women) and a cauldren met all as they paraded through the town.

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